Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Let's talk about the reasons

There is a lot of debate as to why the recall is happening, what are the reasons. For us, it was the endless permits, constant hassles and the feeling that no matter what we did, It all could be torn down tomorrow. The non-stop worrying just had to stop, and for us, there seemed to be no other way. We continued to get targeted over and over again. You would be standing in the office while being told, that you had everything right, only to get to the site within a half hour and have a slab.

We have rights too, and also see many homes that no one ever even cut grass at, have no windows and yet stand tall, as the homes we worked hard to get and repair, got torn down, permits attached to homes. We feel unwanted in the place we've always known and been. Why would other come here when we're not welcomed?

But it's not only for ourselves, but all of us who suffer at the Nazi like tactics being used against us all. We are just not being treated like any of us do anything, and if Mr. Taffaro had his way, he would take credit for every clean home and all new homes too.

He has got to understand that he has not created St. Bernard all by himself. It took many. Demo's are not the only issue that brought this about. Poor judgment, bad attitudes and bad behavior brought us here. This is not over a grudge, we have no reason to dislike him as a man.
We dislike his practices on the job. We know nothing about the red x clan, but they seem to have some of the same concerns. I can not say that they are right or wrong in their quest, but can say that this movement is NOT a result of anything to do with that one, other then subject content. This is an act of desperation. When no amount of time or money or speaking to, or going to see, has gotten results. So many calls, so many visits, so much money. It just had to somehow stop.

Recall, does not always guarantee a change in office, but it does get the attention from the President, that you can not get if you call or going down to the office. It does say that something is wrong. Recalling a President is not easy, is not pleasant, is not hoped for. But it sometimes is the only thing left to do, when the people have been ignored, and progress is on the wrong tract.
These are all among the reasons we asked for a recall.

Mr. Taffaro spoke of God fearing people today, and the Taffaro fearing people stood behind him fearing a pink slip in the morning, as so many have already received. Yes the God fearing people of St. Bernard do know what's happening. They do know he is a spin Doctor, a specialist of the mind. Capable of fixing the mind. But also capable of breaking it as well. Not all of what is fed to us through his office is true. He is and will continue to cause many despair.

Some of these issues are the Hospital, Foundation, DMV and SDT problems. The hopelessness peppered with a few good deeds, just doesn't equate. We are being told that things are wonderful, while we have no hospital, we have to drive out of town to get our drivers licences renewed. And God knows what else we won't get because business is just not easy to do in St. Bernard.

It is clear Mr. Taffaro is just not the leader we hoped he would be. We should easily have many of these issues behind us, but fear they will never happen. He is more focused on demolishing homes then building community essentials. We urge those who can investigate this office and it's doings, to please do so.

We welcome comments, good or bad, and we challenge you to take back ST. Bernard.


  1. Willie, This is what the Parish needs whether they admit it or not. Never before have I felt like I was in another country ( RUSSIA). I have been told what I can and can't do with my property without being reimbursed for my losses. The last time I checked the Constitution protected my rights as a property owner, this is something that has been forgotten here.

    If Mr. Taffaro was concerned about the residents he would make it easier for those who have come back to rebuild their homes, not make it more difficult or in some instances tear down a home that is currently being renovated.

    Mr. Taffaro, your REIGN over this Parish must come to an end, you are cripling this Parish not helping it.

  2. Willie, I believe in order for this recall to be successful, there has to be someone who is willing to step in and take Craig's Place. Not myself, but I'm sure their are alot of people that are afraid of change even though its for the best. We need someone who is willing to reform the demo process, reform the permit office and better yet try to lure big business here instead of scaring it away. I believe that once a candidate steps up and promises a change to help rebuild this Parish people will step up and sign the petition. Just my 2 cents.
